At least while our so called REPRESENATIVES (Senators are debating this bill). How has this happened...How can these people be so disconnected from their constituents. These arrogant (so I am not edited) gentlemen don't have a clue. I really want to know ! What are they gaining from this. It has to be one heck of a payday.....

One reason I would think would be. They don't have to be around it. They sit back in their mansions (far away) and pass judgment on us little people. Where there "illegal" gardeners, "illegal" cook, "illegal" maid takes care of them.

You know it to be true. I mean how else do they make such statements. What would we do without "ILLEGALS" to mow our lawns, pick our food and wipe our (edited myself). It sounds like more of statement for them "WHAT WILL THEY DO"...