This is what I said yesterday:
Not only that, but tomorrow ALL THE OPEN BORDERS NEWS PEOPLE
will be saying "the hard immigration stance doesn't work".
"Americans want comprehensive reform"

This is SO BAD.

And now LaRaza is saying:
January 30th, 2008

A close look at the exit polls makes it abundantly clear that Latino voters in Florida had something to say in yesterday's primary. Latinos went for McCain (54%) and Giuliani (24%) over Romney (14%). Yes, Rudy Giuliani, who did abysmally in every other demographic, still managed to soundly beat Mitt Romney among Latino voters. It seems clear that Florida Latinos like McCain, a leader in the immigration reform effort, and punished Romney, who was outdone only by Tom Tancredo in his efforts to demagogue the immigration issue for political gain. Given the slim margin of McCain's victory overall, Latino support seems to have made the difference in the outcome.
http://www.wecanstopthehate DOT org/outrage/leader_of_extremist_group_explains_election_result s

Just remember this when you go to support your pick in the upcoming primaries.