I was involved in a conversation today on the topic of IA with someone who rasied some interesting questions to me.
Based on MY views, I stongly expressed my desire for all the illegals to get the hell out of this country becasue I am sick and tired of my government pandering to these folks giving them all sorts of freebies when they don't contribute anything back into the economy. They mostly get paid under the table, send all OUR money back home, and collect welfare, put their anchor babies in our scholls, get free healtcare, etc, etc.
During my rant, my friend asked me why only target the illegals? Granted, they did come here illegally, but if those are the reasons I am so angry, why am I not disgusted with Americans who do the same thing? There are plenty of them out there. Women that have babies that they can't take care of, men that don't support their families and they get jobs that pay them under the table so child support don't find them. The folks that totally manipulate the system, so on and so forth. Theye are many of them out there.
Well, to a point, my friend is right. I can't stand the illegals getting all the benefits of my tax dollars, but just because you are a citizen shouldn't automatically warrant the right for these benefits either, should it?

What are your views?