Please allow me to explain my point of view to all of you. I’ve been posting for a few days now, and it’s obvious that some posters don’t understand why I can contradict myself on this issue. Let me explain:

You’re in a hurry and have to rush to your work, you grab the gallon of milk from the fridge, drop it all on the floor but have no time to clean it. You’re running to your car and forgot to close the front door. After a day of hard work you come home, notice you left the door open and hope nothing has been stolen. Everything seems to be ok until you see 10 cats in your kitchen drinking from the gallon milk you spilled, and eating the beef from your dish you didn’t clean up yesterday because you were too tired.

What do you do ??

1 ) deport all those cats, but leave the door open, and don’t clean up the milk & beef


2 ) first you close the door to prevent more cats from coming, then clean the milk & beef and after that start deporting all those cats. Or decide to keep a few cats when you know they're homeless.

What’s gonna be your choice ?? You see my point ??

We can deport illegal aliens but when we leave the border ( door ) open, don’t make sure that employers get fined ( beef for the cats ) or benefits for illegals stopped ( milk for the cats ), we can keep deporting but it’s not going to change or solve anything. The British have a nice proverb for this situation: “ Carrying coals to Newcastle “

My solution to this problem is:

Start building the fence ,and put the national guard on the border to prevent illegals from rushing in since they will try to break in while we’re building the fence.
Meanwhile arrest, and fine all employers that hire illegals, this will take away one reason for illegals to come ( the milk for the cats ). Then exclude any illegal alien from getting any form of benefits, no free education, no free healthcare, etc ( beef for the cats ). This take down another reason why illegals come.

This will result that probably even 70 % of illegal aliens will start to self deport. The other 30% remain inthis country and we can decide later what to do with them, deportation or amnesty. That’s why I keep myself neutral on this issue because even deportation is Carrying coals to Newcastle when we leave the border open, don’t fine employers, and allow benefits for illegals. First things first.

Thank you for listening and have a great day
