I must report to you a major government infraction.
The Federal Government's violating our civil rights on a massive scale. This is why I support the ACLU's effort to uphold the rule of law. All American citizens and legal residents need to be protected from the governments infringement on our rights.

Did you know the government is ignoring their duty to enforce the laws in this country? By this they are forcing me, a legal American citizen, to compete against cheap imported illegal labor which keeps my wages low. I am a skilled machinist with 16 years experience, but my wages have actually gone down because of cheap imported illegal labor. The business community has at times, gone down to South America and bused in illegal labor to employ them illegally. The government has turned a blind eye, and ignored their duty to enforce the law against employing illegal labor. The Bush administration is the worst offender of this. They are violating my civil rights, and all Americans, and legal guests in this country, by ignoring their duties. They are in bed with the business community, which has become addicted to cheap labor. I don't know who else to turn to for help.

Can you help me to bring a class action law suit against the Executive branch of government, with a court injunction, forcing them to enforce our immigration laws? I have unlimited resources and funds for this cause.


Michael J. Norton