This "bilingual job fair" in the state of LA is saying "native speakers preferred"-isn't that like (in a reverse scenario) saying not only must a person speak perfect English, but they must have been born here and be of a particular race to qualify for the job? Time to "bug" the company(ies) involved here....for those of us who are stuck and can't move out of a Spanish-language-dominated area, and have been forced to learn their language, they could STILL descriminate against you for the color of your skin and where you were born...and how many jobs do you have where you are not on and off the phone, which only involve taking orders-why is it necessary that you have to act culturally-and look like-these people in order to get a job, in addition to the indignation of having to speak their language? Time to sue, sue, sue-before this evil idea spreads to ALL "bilingual required" positions!!!! ... 4281228750