Basically, the reason we have so much illegal immigration in our country is that there are those who stand to profit from it.

Now, of course we all know that corrupt businesses are willing to make use of low-cost, off-the-books workers that are illegally present in our communities.

But they can only receive those workers because of the two-headed snake that operates in defiance of the law to (1)get the illegal workers here and (2)keep them here.

We've heard a lot about the 1st head of the two-headed snake: "El Coyote" --the Criminal Abroad-- the smuggler who brings people across our borders ILLEGALLY. He exploits desperate Mexicans to make a living, he illegally provides services to Mexicans to get them across our borders, he may commit fraud against U.S. Border Officials to obtain passage across our borders, and is not subject to background checks or regulation to protect his customer's safety. "El Coyote" could be ARRESTED TODAY if the Federal Government officials charged with enforcement could be persuaded and/or equipped and funded to do their jobs.

However, it boggles my mind that in my home state of Alabama absolutely NOTHING is being done to cut off the 2nd head of the two-headed snake: "EL NOTARIO!"

"EL NOTARIO" is the Domestic Criminal that sets up shop in our communities and neighborhoods to help illegal aliens get papers, identification and documents they can use while they are here to get employment, housing, banking services and medical care, often at the expense of hard-working American taxpayers.

"EL NOTARIO" is not an attorney or any kind of reputable licensed professional who is subject to government regulation to assure that he follows our laws and refrains from fraud; rather he is a pretender and a fraud. He has no qualifications or credentials other than perhaps the nearly meaningless position of being a "notary public" (which only means that a person can be a witness to verify which person signed a particular document, nothing more). But "EL NOTARIO" fools his customers by using a similar sounding Spanish word to refer to his business practice: "notario" (which is a word for licensed attorneys in Latino countries). "EL NOTARIO" is a liar and a fraud.

"EL NOTARIO" operates in our communities holding himself out as a legal advisor and a provider of identification documents. But so many times the documents he gives them are fake or the "NOTARIO" advises immigrants how to lie and commit fraud on our local, state and federal governments to get certain benefits.

There is a law already on the STATE LAW BOOKS that would allow our local officials here in Alabama to ARREST "EL NOTARIO" TODAY!!!!, but our State Attorney General Troy King and the local District Attorneys won't lift a finger to ENFORCE THE STATE LAWS that would make a huge difference in our local illegal immigration problems.

If "EL NOTARIO" can go to jail today if local officials would simply start arresting and prosecuting him for "Unauthorized Practice of Law." I know it may sound silly-- but keep in mind that even though Al Capone was a murderer many times over the only way the Untouchables could get him off the streets was to charge him with a tax crime. We need to do whatever WORKS to stop the resources that feed the illegal alien lifestyle.

Local officials are not allowed to round up all the illegal aliens but if they would just round up all the "notarios" then the illegal aliens would not be able to live in our communities so easily and comfortably-- they would have to find some other town, city or state to live in-- or go back to their home country where they are legally allowed to live and work.

"EL NOTARIO" exploits desperate Mexicans to make a living, he illegally provides services to Mexicans to obtain identity or immigration documents, he may commit fraud against U.S. government offices to obtain identity documents or immigration papers, and is not subject to background checks or regulation to protect his customer's safety. "El Notario" could be ARRESTED TODAY under existing "Unauthorized Practice of Law" statutes if Alabama Attorney General Troy King and local District Attorneys would DO THEIR JOBS!

If you live in Alabama, please, please call the offices of Attorney General Troy King and local District Attorneys and DEMAND that they arrest and prosecute "notarios" under the "Unauthorized Practice of Law" statutes NOW!

Illegal "Immigration Services" have become a cottage industry in our once peaceful and respectable Alabama communities. IT NEEDS TO STOP.

Statement on Illegal "Immigration Services"

PDF Statement on Illegal "Immigration Services"