To be honest I messaged him first, outraged over a post he made in the forums. I am more outraged because he is from a rather upity area of KS just south of KC, Overland Park. In my 25 years of living in the area I had understood that even the liberals have a conservative tinge, and that this issue hits home very hard in the small KS towns being bankrupted by illegal immigration.

Below is his message (i believe it's clean, if not remove or edit as needed) and my response. This is our 3rd or 4th coorespondence.

there is no lever big enough to move 10-20million people. there is no jail big enough to house them. there is no force large enough to catch them.

like it or not, upwards of 5% of US inhabitants are here 'illegally'. if that 'illegal' sector is interacting with the 'legal' sector in a detrimental manner, then we need to isolate the aspects of our society that are available for 'exploit' in such a manner and alter them to protect the pre-existing citizenry from being exploited by the influx of new inhabitants.

whether we call them 'inhabitants', 'aliens', or "illegal immigrants", there is ONE thing that is certain - there ain't a damned thing you and all the cowboys in texas can do about it. they're here, and they're staying.

dance around the truth all you like. hold up signs and wave flags. 10-20 million mexicans are laughing at you. to say that those tens of millions of 'illegals' are the problem implies that there is a 'solution' - and there is, of course, but after WWII people have strong feelings about genocide.

so unless you want to start advocating genocide against 'illegals', i'd suggest you start looking at ways to remake our society into one that lacks the accountability loopholes that allow anyone (citizen or 'illegal' alike) to exploit the system.

accomplish that, and the wealth and prosperity we'll enjoy will make your petty vendetta over the formality of "legal citizenship" seem pretty silly.


how many speed limit breakers are there? is it possible to assume we will stop everyone from speeding by ticketing them? how many drug dealers are there? is it possible to fund a program that would eliminate the blackmarket sale of illicit narcotics? no, it is not possible. However, it is our duty as law abiding and law loving citizens who have enacted our laws to protect our Cities, States and Nation to defend and enforce these laws as best we can.

It is never possible to do it all, but that does not mean we should not try. That does not immediately give a free pass to those who would violate the law. If this is to be the case then anarchy will ensue and government will become useless.

Your arguments are benign and quite frankly ridiculous.

In your idiocies you still seem to clutch onto words of logic, I struggle to find how you weave this into your rantings. However, your point as I see it, is correct. We must not just deport illegals. We must, as the president would say, have a comprehensive immigration reform. One that beefs up our security, allows for better and more efficient immigration into the USA, finds and deports those who violate our laws and finds and penalizes severly those who would hire and abuse the labor of workers who enter into this nation illegally.

If that is your argument then you and I are on the same side, if not then I believe your understanding of this issue is far from complete.