According to NUMBERS USA, the National Education Association (NEA) is one of the pro-Dream Act organizations which has been invited by Sen. Durbin to come to the Capitol this afternoon to "testify" to members of Congress about S. 2205.

Contact information for the NEA is given below. If you have a child or children now in our public school system - from K. through college - it might be especially effective to let our public school teachers' professional organization know that many Americans do NOT support the DREAM ACT!

1201 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036-3290
Telephone: (202) 833-4000
FAX: (202) 822-7974
E-Mail Contact Form is provided: scroll down to "Contact Us" at bottom of their Home Page.

According to an entry on the "Dream Act Portal Forum" of today's date,
"National Education Association President Reg Weaver is 'threatening political consequences for lawmakers who oppose the measure' (the Dream Act)." Other citizens and legal residents might like to let the NEA know that we do not like having our lawmakers threatened in this manner!

An interesting fact from the NEA home page is: NEA President Reg Weaver "began a second term as Education International (EI) vice president at the organization's World Congress in Berlin this past July." I for one had not realized that United States public school teachers are now also members of an international union.