It is so hard for me to acknowledge that people who break our immigration laws by entering this country illegally and working illegally to be deemed citizens by the stroke of a pen and not by following our immigration laws and not by a vote from the Americans people. Or by a vote from immigrants who became citizens by following the laws. We are the ones who have to live with them and have to pay for their citizenship.

Things continue to happen in this country that affect our lives and we have absolutely no say in the matters except that we voted people into office believing they would act in our behalf, for our well being and the fact is they represent those who entered this country illegal and are giving them more rights them we have at a cost to us and our lives.
Children, born in the country to parents who illegally came into this country, are given citizenship simple because the 14th amendment has not been correctly interpreted. And no one will admit that.

Anchor babies are not legally citizens of this country. They are legal citizens of the countries that their parents are citizens of. The 14th amendment must be correctly interpreted and citizenship of anchor babies must rescinded retroactive.

In no way shape or form have those that have been given amnesty in the past and no way in the future have or can earn citizenship. Only way citizenship can be earned is by all illegal aliens leaving this country and coming back in by obeying our immigration laws and waiting in live with those that have been waiting legally.