Linda Chavez say if we pass a immigration reform bill, Mexicans would not be dying in the desert.

End illegal immigration by enforcement of immigration laws and not by a new immigration reform bill. Immigration laws work for most immigrants except those who live on our borders who cross illegally in mass migration. Immigration laws work only if they are enforced. We do not create new laws to make the criminal act not a crime and excuse the criminal.

If we open the door for the burglar and he do not have to force entry then we take away the breaking and entry charges and he cannot be charged with the crime. I

It is not Americans fault that immigrants are dying in the desert to get here for a better life and we should not have to let them in legally just to save their lives. It is because of Mexico’s corruption that they do not have jobs and social services to meet their needs. Mexico allows and help it's people to cross the border and die in the desert Mexico is the blame for those deaths. Mexico’s people is not our problem. We are the ones who pay a hefty price for illegal immigration. Not only in money but sometimes with our lives.
It is time we hold our government accountable and it time our government hold Mexico accountable for it’s people in this country. Whatever benefits illegals incur at our expense should be collected from Mexico’s government and passed on to the American taxpayer.
Hospital, prisons and legal systems, schools, etc should be compensated by the Mexican government for their losses.