This was a letter to the editor in the Las Vegas Review Journal.
It's true and how I have felt many times. In April 2006 at the
first march here in Las Vegas which was mostly high school students
that were carrying Mexican flags and demanding that illegal
immigrants had rights, etc., etc. I was furious!!! What ungrateful
children!! We have given their parents jobs, they go to new schools,
which Las Vegas has scrambled to keep building to keep up with
ever increasing flow to Las Vegas. Our schools now have over
40% hispanic and most of these do not speak English. And all the
other benefits they have received because their parents crossed
the border. Here is the letter:

To the editor:

At immigration rallies on Tuesday, illegal immigrants wanted to know why they weren't being given credit for working hard and paying taxes.

Meanwhile, the United States is criticized by just about everyone -- from convicted felons here illegally, to the Mexican president, to the pope -- for not being fair to undocumented people, and for trying to stop them sneaking across the border.

Just once, wouldn't it be nice if some of these people would say "thank you" to Americans for allowing people to stay here illegally and get free medical care, free education for their kids, free welfare benefits and the opportunity to make money and send it back to their families?

Wouldn't it be nice if they would thank us and add; "We especially appreciate this because you're giving all these benefits to us even though you can't afford to do it. Even though America is trillions of dollars in debt, and you can't afford to take care of your own people, you still go even further in debt to help us. And considering how truly harsh the Mexican government is to illegal immigrants, and considering how bad things were there for us, we can't thank you enough for your kindness."

No matter how much it costs us, or what kind of benefits we give to illegal immigrants, it's never enough. It doesn't matter what we do, we'll get criticized because we didn't do more.