Outlaw Sheriff Traumatizes Children

The poster boy for repeal of 287(g) is the Outlaw Sheriff Arpaio
of Maricopa County, Arizona. He is likely currently the subject
of several federal probes, not a fun position to be in. It is
sometimes hard to describe in words the inhumanity of actions
done in the name of enforcing unjust immigration laws, however, a
video from the NYTimes blog helps.

http://theboard.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/ ... -to-keep-u

We understand that Secretary Napolitano is currently reviewing a
number of decisions by the former administration affecting
immigration issues. In light of the unnecessary grief caused to
countless US citizens of tender years by 287(g), Ms. Napolitano
should seriously consider suspending all 287(g) agreements across
the country, pending long overdue Congressional review of this
questionable policy. With change in the wind, the time has come
to return humanity to the immigration debate.

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