TUESDAY JULY 10, 2007 Last modified: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 1:48 PM CDT

Immigration bill would have cost us


The new immigration bill is a trap for the American people. It gives 12 million Mexicans citizenship for violating our law. But there are more than 12 million, and the president along with Congress and Senate are lying like they did in 1986. Now 20 years later, the same lie. After they become citizens, they can go back to Mexico and bring their parents, wives, brothers and sisters in as American citizens, which bring the total to 40 to 50 million. They soon will outnumber the whites and blacks. This will bankrupt our Social Security and welfare.

It is going to cost $2.5 trillion to take care of them.

If they are assets to us, why does it cost Mississippi $52 million per year to take care of them.

If the Senate is so sure about this bill, why was it done in secret? Let them put it on the ballot and see what the American people want, or are we too stupid to know what we want?

There are 600,000 ordered deported; not one has been carried to the border, and they do not know where they are, so these criminals will be American citizens.

In short we have a sorry president, Senate and Congress; we need a house cleaning.

Louis Martin


http://www.ddtonline.com/articles/2007/ ... tters2.txt