There are many rumblings in the MoveOn.Org camp regarding an impeachment march in Washington over Memorial Day weekend.

I love it !!!! However, that group needs to take a stand for or against illegal immigration before I throw any support in that direction.

I've just made this comment on their site where members vote on the importance of the topic or not. Please vote or create your own comment to force MoveOn in announcing where they stand on this issue: ... rum_id=266

I'll throw my full support into the impeachment of George Bush. It is time for a revolution as we are now confronted with taxation without representation and the people should take over their government again.
However, I would like to hear comments from MoveOn members regarding legalization of up to 20 million ILLEGAL immigrants.

This will be the make it or break it issue for the next elections.

- Dianne Boyter, small business owner (May 07, 2006; Charlotte, NC)

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