Members of Congress need a backbone
December 27, 2007

For a ''lame duck'' president, Bush is certainly having his way with this 110th Democratic Congress. Excuse the sarcasm, but how much damage could this president inflict with a cooperative Congress?

This is not the change we voters were promised on Nov. 6, 2006. Should we entrust Congress to the Democrats? Is it any wonder that Congress' approval rating is in the teens? Though I have predominantly voted Democratic, my vote is no longer to be taken for granted! If this Democratic leadership, in particular Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid, do not grow a backbone in the next eight months, they will have presided over the shortest term majority in history.

This letter is not to be interpreted as an endorsement of the Republican party. I have become a Lou Dobbs Independent! Today, neither party speaks for the average citizen, but does what their corporate masters demand.

Wayne C. Taylor
