Dec 6, 2007

Invasion From The South

A country of 123 million souls, Mexico, is invading a country of 300 million souls, the United States -- and it is winning. How can this be? The primary reason is that the invaded country, the United States of America, refuses to defend itself. What does Mexico do on its southern border? It protests and arrests anyone who dares cross into Mexico. What does the United States do on its southern border? Barely anything.
So, what do most third world countries have in common? For the most part, their governments are corrupt. Mexico is no exception. Although its people are hard working, there are not enough good paying jobs. As a result, it encourages its citizens to invade us in order to prevent these immigrants from revolting in their own country.
What amazes me is that these same people remain loyal to Mexico and send a sizeable portion of their earnings back to relatives in Mexico. That remittance amounts to the second largest income for Mexico next only to oil. Mexicans who become U.S. citizens retain their Mexican citizenship and are told by the Mexican government, “Mexican first and always.â€