We have allowed our leaders to make us the worlds enemies . This will not change by appeasing or showing weakness .

We now live in a time of long range missels ,germ and chemicle warfare , planes ,subs and trains to deliver these weapons .

The only reason we have lasted this long is because we stayed strong and were feared .

Today we have mad men with WMD . Some won't attack due to fear . Then you have the others who think dying is a good thing that rewards them with eternal harem to satisfy the lust they refuse all the rest of us .

Add China,Venezuela ,Russia ,N.Korea and most of middle east to the equasion who are building their military blocs against us .

Then add the growing number of nations who have fallen this past few decades to islam and see how well they are doing .

Consider us allowing them to take over the whole world while we sit here and mind our own business .

Will they just let us live here in peace if we stop 'getting involved '? or will this make it more appealing to attack us since we can only fire so many weapons at so many different places at one time .

Or do we need to keep up with the nation building and ,,military base planting to survive ?

We can no longer afford the luxuary of 'staying out of other nations wars ' , like it was in 1776 when this was a very good idea .

We just need to stop letting corporations choose our wars for their profit .

With enemy submarines bumping into our swimmers at the beach I think that we already have been threatened and vice versa . Not to speak of every big mouth terrorist leader on earth threatening us like Venezuela, Iran ,n.Korea ,etc..

We are at war with radical islam . Fatah and Hamas don't need any help destroying israel and we should keep that in mind when we call ourselves christians and Americans .

I may as well say this and get it over with . I think the only reason so much money was paid into Ron Paul's campagne was because of muslims who have a big interest in this coming election ,like they said on many occasions . He is their man and I have as much use for muslims as they do for us infidels . I would like for somebody to tell me what good islam has ever brought to any nation it has taken . Not speaking of arabs or turks or india's indians, but 'islam'.