Judy, California is guilty of everything I hear candidates running for President claim they want to stop. Illegal immigrants, Muslim refugees, high taxation, jobs being given to everyone except Americans, companies fleeing California over high taxes and regulations, crony capitalism, etc. Even during drought Governor Brown tells all illegal immigrants they are welcome in California. Like Obama he uses his pen to pass laws. He is pushing and trying to force his legacy the Bullet Train on us and who gets the contract - Senator Feinstein's husband. Everyone gripes about Cruz not being a "Natural Born Citizen", well guess what guys California's legislature is full of anchor babies and they will stop at nothing to make sure their community comes first. Now that they have succeeded in getting them voter rights (wink, wink) their is nothing that will stop them. This is why I am so angry. I want Trump or Cruz or whoever to take California on. They have a perfect case to prove they are not just lying to Americans and until then I do not believe one word coming out of their mouths. Trump had a perfect opportunity to go after Brown for this comment, but all he said was that Brown was confused that the wall was going to be on California's southern border. That was really weak and showed me nothing.