My husband and I are struggling to make ends meet as so many of us are. I was in the grocery store today carrying the coupons I clipped and looking to buy products that were on sale. I needed to buy milk and next to me were 2 Hispanic women, one with a baby and one that was pregnant. As they were filling their carts they were looking at a slip of paper which I recognized as a WIC voucher. I intentionally asked them something in English and one of the women shook her head and said, "No English." So here I am, an American taxpayer paying for the food that I buy and have a pretty tough time doing it and there they are getting food for free at the American taxpayers expense all because they pop out anchor babies. I know that I am making an assumption that these women are here illegally and sucking off of our system but I see this happening so much that I just have to vent. This whole situation just makes me sick and I am to grateful for ALIPAC. I do all I can with phone calls and emails and hope and pray that we will continue to have our voices heard.