
My friends,
Last summer my wife Stacey & I along with the people a Save Our State, Citizens Commission for Immigration Reform & Mountain Minutemen mounted a collaborative effort to get a new border fence built along the Campo-Tecate section of the border. Jim Gilchrist had NOTHING to do with it, yet here he is not only taking credit for the success of those of us he fought against but using it to con people out of their money.
Please warn anyone who might be taken in by this charlatan. It looks to me that, like his endorsement of the open borders Huckabee, Mr. Gilchrist realizes that as long as the borders remain open, his donations keep flowing in. Don't be fooled. Ask him EXACTLY what he did to accomplish this fence & who he dealt with. I know how it was done because I did it, not him.


From: (Removed by Moderator)

Subj: The Fence Is Going Up!


From the desk of Minuteman Project Founder and President Jim Gilchrist

Dear Patriot,

Americans now have a voice in government.

The fence along the US-Mexico border is going up! Thanks to minutemen and women all over the country who brought their grievance forward about lax immigration law enforcement and border security, Americans now can actually see their voices being heard by Congress. In keeping with my commitment to bring continued national awareness to the illegal alien invasion dilemma, I visit the border in California from time to time throughout the year to see how the fence program is progressing and to guide US and foreign media and non-media researchers on tours of that area.

Apparently, the Administration is keeping its word to construct an international border fence. Although it appears to be a slow process, at least it is being built.

The accompanying photos, taken Thursday, October 16, 2008, along the Campo, California border area is vivid proof that some of our political governors are keeping their word to aggressively deter the intrusion of illegal alien human cargo (slave traders) and drug cartels into the United States.

To view pictures click here: http://minutemanproject.com/

Photo 2284:

Campo Minuteman “Gadgetâ€