This is what I don't understand. Eighty percent of Americans want our boarders secured and our laws enforced and illegal immigration STOPPED!

However, the polls show the Presidential front runners are pro-amnesty and open boarders. I don't understand it. If we don't get a President who is passionate about securing our country and stopping illegal immigration it won't matter what happens with the war in Iraq or social security or healthcare, etc. It will be all over for this country.

We HAVE to stop illegal immigration, NOW!! And we HAVE to do more than scream at our representatives. The fact they are gutting the boarder fence (something I believe they intended all along) proves they can't be trusted for a second. We HAVE to vote the Amnesty supporters out of office. We can't be concerned about supporting our "party" or anything except securing our country.

We have to make them FEEL our wrath. Screaming at them isn't enough. They think we'll get tired of it at some point. If the bill passes and the boarder fence isn't built, I think we should start a tax revolt. If everyone who supports boarder security refused to pay taxes, they wouldn't get far. That's how England got rid of Margaret Thacher. We should file our tax returns but not send them the money. Put it in an account and refuse to give it to them until our boarders are secure. If anyone has any other ideas, lets hear them.

We've made our position ABUNDANTLY CLEAR. They all know we want boarder security and this is what we get. Chartoff will have descretion over where and when the fence is built and how much, if this passes. He wants a virtual fence. They haven't worked in the past and the one they just installed doesn't work either. We've all written, faxed and called. They know what we want and they don't care. We have to make them know there WILL be consequences for this kind of deception. We have to vote them out of office. We HAVE to!