Hi All:

Jsut was over at the Cosa site, which is where most of the people that are pushing for the DREAM ACT hang out.

Suppose I should feel somewhat pleased that they seem to be watching us VERY CLOSELY, and they even snagged one of my quotes from here and posted it over there...curious there William, are our words here in some fashion copy righted? If so, am thinking I may want to have my attorney drop them a line about infringing upon my copy righted words and posting them on that sight.

Anyway, other than slamming us around a bit, they seem to think they can sneak DREAM THROUGH as most of the focus gets placed on other agenda items such as AMNESTY...so, as you are making your calls and writing your emails to elected officials, I STRONGLY suggest you also remember to OPPOSE SPECIFICALLY the Dream Act.

Pinto Bean