Alipac members,

This is only a suggestion, and nothing more.


Just as the proper name, and abbreviation for north Korea is nK
No it's not PDRK or any variation thereof.

The "n" is always lower case to do it correctly
north Korea or nK

This is to show disrespect for Kim Jung Il (among other reasons)
ask anyone from the ROK and they'll explain it to you.


Express Mexico as mexico
or abbreviate mex, not Mex.
Other variation suggested:

mEXICO or mEX.

Why? Lower case the "m" to show disrespect for Valentie (or however the hell it is spelled) Fox.

Suggestion for lawmakers: Enough is enough. Just as Jimmy Carter closed the US Embassy and broke diplomatic relations with Nationalist China, we urgently need to close they US embassy and sever diplomatic ties with mexico, and deport their diplomats! - teach mexico a lesson for sending their 22 million man diseased army to our country