Hailing from Tulsa, OK everyone! Home to one of the largest chapters of the Minutemen.

I am a highly active conservative citizen who has (like many others) only woken up to the Illegal Immigration crisis in this country in the past few months.

I can say with all honesty that the incredible contributors to this site have motivated me to write & phone my local representative (Sullivan R-Tulsa) and statewide senators. Fortunately, the great state of Oklahoma has enough patriots to send men like Coburn and Inhofe to the senate . Unfortunately...not every state is sending men to the senate like Oklahoma .

What is wrong with the rest of you?

This site has also given me the opportunity to locate and distribute that incredible speech given by Congressman Dana Rorhabacher to everyone I know.

I also want to remind everyone that our great country is more than just a set of abstract ideas pertaining to freedom and individual liberty. It is also a land and a people who have ancestors that have fought in our Civil War (4 generations back in my family), World War I & II (2 generations back in my family), Korean War (2 generations back), Vietnam (1 generation back), Desert Storm, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. My European ancestors fought for freedom from tyranny and my Native American Cherokee ancestors worked the land I live on today. Remember, no one can take this legacy and heritage away from us!

And if the Latin American third world succeeds in re-colonizing and controlling our Southwest then a new generation of patriots will just have to win it back (probably with the help of a few Oklahomas too).

Once again, thanks everyone and keep tearing up those phone & fax lines!