Who do they really work for? You guessed it!


Senator Scorsone,
As a citizen of Fayette County I would like to voice my extreme displeasure with your pending a bill offering a Driving Certificate for people that our in our country illegally. If this bill is passed, I will never vote for you again. I have supported you in the past, but anyone that provides further privileges to those that are already breaking our laws, is definitely not interested in supporting efforts to provide security for legal citizens.
I am very disappointed in your judgement on this issue.


From: EScorsone@aol.com [mailto:EScorsone@aol.com]

Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: Important Pending Bills

sorry you feel that way.
Immigration status is something the federal folks deal with. What we can and need to deal with in Ky is a large number of people driving to work at local businesses without a license and without insurance.
Undocumented folks cannot get a drivers license and therefore cannot get insurance. That's not good for the rest of us.
Until the federal government resolves the immigration issues, lets at least make sure people have to take the driving test and have insurance. I see it as a safety issue.