ALIPAC Roughnecks,

We have a job to do and I am waving my ALIPAC banner in the air hoping that you fine folks on the boards will rally around.

Many of you are calling on Dream Act and that is important, but we also need a maximum effort from you on the New York license activation going out to over 25,000 alipac supporters now.

Those of you that frequent our posting boards here, should be some of our most active, knowledgeable, and skillful supporters due to your intense level of interest and participation with ALIPAC.

We need you leading the way for our supporters that are less involved out there.

Please read through today's email alert and engage immediately.

We need to knock down Spitzer fast and hard today and Tuesday because we may have to redirect our attention soon on Dream depending on how things pan out.

If we can get enough calls and emails into the right ears and email boxes at the NY state legislature, we can get an emergency session that will hand Spitzer his hind side on a plate!

We need to make an example of this chump and cook his political goose so hard that he serves as an example to other sellout globalist Governors.

Here is the link. You know the drill. This is a big project. Please post if you are responding and please post updates on your messages and activity level beneath this thread in announce

Let's Charge that Hill!

William Gheen