The La Raza speech: Pandering to radicals

Thursday, July 28, 2011

President Barack Obama abandons U.S. border state interests, not to mention federal immigration laws, by stepping before the National Council of La Raza and pledging, "The Democrats and your president are with you."

That's akin to saying immigration "reform" under his administration will be an open-door policy for illegal aliens. Especially with regard to this group.

La Raza is not merely a "Hispanic rights organization." Aside from opposing legal deportations, the group has endorsed taxpayer-financed ethnic nationalistic charter schools and has partnered with banks that offer services to illegals, according to Trib columnist Michelle Malkin.

At least GOP presidential candidates had the good sense to sidestep La Raza's kiss-up invitation, much to the dismay of the group's president, Janet Murguia. Not that Mr. Obama's shameless pandering is likely to sway Hispanic voters, the fastest-growing sector of the U.S. electorate.

"I think these political people have to take their head out of the sand and realize what's going on, and the reality is that the Hispanic vote, the Latino vote, is up for grabs," says Bettina Inclan, a Republican political strategist.

So, how does Obama uphold the nation's immigration laws while kowtowing to La Raza? Quite simply, he can't ... z1TQTnstN1