Rex Rammell is running for Larry Craig's seat this fall. Here's his position on immigration.

There are between 12 and 20 million illegal immigrants in the United States today. Why should we expect them to keep our laws when their first act was to break them? First, we need to secure our border with Mexico. I support the building of the border fence.

Second, the law needs enforced on anyone who hires an illegal alien. A system must be in place wherein employers can easily check the legal status of all their potential employees or could easily prove their legal status when required. We must demand that no illegal be given a job. If that means getting tough with employers, so be it. If there are no jobs, many of the illegal aliens will return home. I also support law which would prohibit all people who are not citizens or legal residents from all federal welfare. I would remove all mandatory requirements from hospitals and schools to serve these people, while recognizing the states’ rights to decide differently. There would be no federal funds or requirement to support illegal immigrants. For those who will not willingly return home, they must be deported.

I support a program where foreign workers could apply for a one-time, renewable three-year visa if matched with an employer. Each worker would be required to have a BIO Card to track his or her ID and whereabouts.

Immigration as well as all foreign affairs is a properly delegated responsibility of the Federal government. This is a priority issue.