Paul R. Speaker

With the collapse of the Bush-Kennedy-McCain amnesty bill, passage of tough new anti-illegal alien laws in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and elsewhere throughout America, and the spectacular deportation of Elvira Arrellano, upset Latino activists are threatening to 'take the gloves off.'

And why shouldn't Latinos be angry and outraged? After all, why should illegal aliens tolerate abuse at the hands of arrogant American racists who insist on antiquated concepts like national sovereignty, secure borders, and rule of law?

None of those democratic principles has a place in the mind of the typical Latino pro-illegal alien activist who remains mired in a third world vision of the world.

Furthermore, why can't those damn Americans accept the fact that borders and immigration laws simply do not apply to Latinos headed north out of Mexico?

Yes, it is a different story for Latinos crossing into Mexico from south of it's borders, but that is a subject that will only cause red brown faces, a stream of ugly Spanish profanity, and embarrassed stuttering when broached with Latino racists.

The simple truth is that Latino 'leaders' in racist organizations like La Raza are adamantly opposed to anything that could secure U.S. borders and stop the invasion of America by third world criminals.

They are just as opposed to enforcement policies that could cause the 12-30 million invaders already here to be kicked out.

However, Latino racists are essentially clue less. Fact is, the American people are fed up with garbage being dumped on the U.S. side of the border by Mexico and other Latin American nations. We are fed up with supporting millions of illiterate foreigners who do not even belong here.

Furthermore, Latino racists do not appreciate the intensity of the rage that dwells within the hearts of scores of millions of American citizens who have had it with a dysfunctional government that refuses to protect American interests.

So, let those third world Spanish-speaking goons snarl and show their teeth.

But let those pugilistic Latinos also be forewarned: There is a 'Sleeping Giant' comprised of millions of patriotic American citizens who are finally emerging from a long hibernation of indifference and civil neglect.

That sleeping giant has seen millions of illegal aliens march in the streets of major American cities while flying Mexican flags and DEMANDING rights and benefits to which they are not entitled.

That sleeping giant has been repulsed by gutless, traitorous politicians who have attempted to abandon homeland security and preservation of American language and culture in order to pass an amnesty bill, just to provide rich business interests and donors with a steady flow of slave labor.

That sleeping giant is aware of the fact that illegal aliens kill several thousand innocent Americans every year through murder and drunken driving, including the horrendous execution-style murders in Newark, New Jersey.

So to Latino activists who are ready to take off the gloves in order to fight rule of law, border security, and common sense, let the message go out loud and clear:

The great American sleeping giant says, "Bring it on!"

Or as Clinton Eastwood would say, "Go ahead. Make my day!"