Instead of arresting June Griffin, government officials should take
lessons from her. This is America - not a foreign country whose flag
should fly freely.

This reminds me of a joke that made the Internet rounds a few years back
about a German plane that was trying to land in Germany. The air traffic
controller was English and demanded the pilot speak English. The German
pilot responded back that he was German and flying in Germany and so he should be able to speak German. The English controller replied that they lost the war so therefore he must speak English.

Has America lost a war that we were not told about? Is this why we must press one for English and pay extra for Spanish to be spoken by teachers? Is this why proud American citizens are arrested for removing a foreign flag?

If June Griffin broke a law then that law must be changed, just as the
Jim Crow laws were changed. I wish Mrs. Griffin God's help in doing that.

Betty Williamson
Copperhill, Tennessee

This woman has created quite a stir. There are some interesting and opposing points of view on this comments page.