While illegal immigration is an important topic, legal immigration should be an equally important topic. Most candidates [1] are thinking of legalizing illegal immigration.

I have been in this country for about 10 years now and have only lately decided to immigrate to this country. However, there has been significant backlogs in the legal immigration process. Should I have to wait another 10 years before I become a legal immigrant? I like the American way of life and the technological advances that have been made here. But with the way USCIS is structured and given the backlogs, it looks like legal immigration is all but a distant dream. In this global free-trade world, America looks less attractive than other western countries for people like me who are considering immigrating.

I am not necessarily against illegal immigration, however, I feel that it is unfair to let the illegal immigrants in when the legal immigrants clearly have vested interest in making this country successful. Some accuse temporary workers of bringing the job wages down. In my case this has not been true and I have been treated fairly in every which way from the time I came to work in this country. I can only think of positives as far as legal immigration is concerned. The legal immigrants have the potential to buy more houses and boost the already downed economy. Furthermore, well-to-do legal immigrants tend to retire in their country, thus not further burdening the already stretched social security and medicare systems. It appears to be a win-win situation, however, some key Americans or American governmental institutions appear to turn a blind eye with regards to the troubles that the current legal immigration system is encountering. And most legal immigrants have a hard time understanding the politics behind this.

Having lived in the country for about 10 years, I feel as strongly about where the country is going just like any other American. I dislike the war. I donate my clothes to orphanages in my local community. I celebrate Christmas (even though my religion is different). I have tried to voice my concerns about the state of the local roads. I could go on. I love America for what it provides. However, as far as legal immigration is concerned, all I can see in the near future is just hopelessness.

Maybe the only way that we can get our message heard is by staging rallies just like the illegal immigrants did to get the public to wake up to what we are going through.

I tend not to post messages on boards typically, but on this boring Saturday morning, I thought I should voice my opinion for whatever it's worth. All I ask is to give us some hope. Throw us a bone so we can get on with our lives. I am sure that most legal immigrants will repay it in one way or another to make the country successful as it's clearly in their vested interest to do so.


[1] http://politics.nytimes.com/election-gu ... mmigration