Maybe our Reps could make a deal that might make us all happy.

As much as I think we should deport all of them...I would be willing to make the following compromise:

Using the (underexaggerated) official number of 12M illegals I would make a deal to allow 20% or 2.4M of them to stay in the US legally. The rest would have to go back to their countries of origin and wait for us to call them!

The fence would have to be built and secured.

Sanctuary cities would be abolished.

The phony anchor baby scam would have be abolished.

The 47 Mexican consulates would be required to follow OUR laws or we close them down.

*The 2.4M who would be allowed to stay would be those who have been here the longest, with no criminal record, English speakers, and a history of paying taxes.

We reserve the right to control our own immigration policies and we reserve the right to determine how many invaders we allow to stay here!
Who's country is this anyway?

Take it or leave it!