I still like Montel but I think that he has either drank the koolaid in regards to the immigration issue or his producers have pushed hiim in this direction for ratings. Here is what I wrote to his show:

Dear Montel:

I have watched your show for years; not every day, rather on days that the topic is of interest. Your show is the only day time show that I have on my "on demand" list. Sometimes I watch the show when the topic does not interest me so much because I enjoy watching an intelligent, honest, kind person for a change. Otherwise, I'd rather read than watch most of what is available on TV.

I have seen you help and/or find counseling many people and you seem to be a kind and passionate person.

Yesterday's political show was very disappointing. Only one side to the debate was represented. One of your guests, the actor, quoted numbers that sound outrageous in regard to the what illegal immigration costs our country, as though illegal aliens are putting in more tax dollars than they are using........................ please.

His numbers did not make sense, nor were they challenged. There was no mention that nearly 1/3 of prisoners that our tax money pays for are illegal aliens, food stamp + WIC, plus lunch programs (plus or minus 2 billion) huge Medicare cost (2.5 billion +), uninsured treatment (in the billions and bankrupting many border hospitals), Fed aid programs to schools (over a billion) court & prison aid (over a billion). In addition, if Amnesty is awarded we will have 20 or more million unskilled or semiskilled low wage workers who will qualify for most federal welfare programs, thus, in effect draining our economy, and possibly bankrupting social security, welfare and Medicare.

There was no mention of the monies spent to educate the children of illegals aliens, many of which come to our country unable to speak English, thus requiring more time and tax $$ to get these children prepared for the classroom. No mention of the cost of the thousands of wrecks by uninsured illegals, the huge hike in crime in neighborhoods that have been overtaken by illegals. The cost of flight by citizens out of these crime ridden neighborhoods (cost of moving and losing the investment in their homes). No mention of the cost of crime (including Mexican and South American drug cartels living in our neighborhoods) both in loss of human life, $$, or the cost to add on more law enforcement locally and federally.

Many prisons are so full because of illegal aliens that they are letting dangerous criminals out early because they have no where to put them. Nor was it mentioned that much of the costs associated with illegals is due to their American-born children, who are awarded US citizenship at birth. Thus their citizen children can access all welfare programs. I could go on and on with costs associated with illegal aliens, however, if I were on your show yesterday I would have been branded a bigot as though the reason people want the illegals out of our country is due to skin color; this is outrageous and insulting.

I could hardly believe how rudely the lady from California was called down for using the world "Mexicans." Nor your example of Russian immigrants. Yes, all of our borders need to be secured, no it is not Russians screaming and protesting in the street claiming that that will retake the West.

In addition, it is totally disrespectful and out of character for you to make such a crude statement as "would she feel better if it were a legal immigrant" in regard to the lady who lost her law enforcement husband to a wreck with an illegal alien. If this illegal alien were not in the country her husband would be alive. I've never seen you be so insensitive.

There are two sides to the story, and if you lived (and lost the value of your home) or grew up in a neighborhood that was once safe and secure but now destroyed by illegal aliens and taken over by illegal gangs and thugs you might have a totally different perspective.