I just sent this to my governor, as I know my numbers are 100% correct, it would save a ton of money for our state.

Mr. Governor,

As one of your supporters, I feel it is my place to help you out when I can. It is reported you are lookingfor another 8 billion in cuts over the next few months. I would like to make a suggestion that will help our schools to the tune of 25o million, and help the budget with a estimated 4 billion dollars, as this will take minute, please be patient.

You ( the government ) do a lot of printing, a lot. When you use an 8 x 11 sheet of paper, with a quality printer, it costs you anywhere from .18 to .22 cents per side that you print on, this is the cost of ink.

Somewhere in Sacramento, someone got the bright idea that it should be mandated that any notices sent home to parents will be printed on one side in English, the other in Spanish.

Now, we have approximately 6.3 million kids in Californias public schools. Going off of my tracking, my daughter had over 100 notes sent home last year.

So, do the math, 6.3 multiplied by an average of 2 cents (extra) for each note sent home,then multiply that by an estimated 100 plus notes sent home.

Next, I would challange you to think of all the paperwork California state prints in other languages, at an extra cost of 2 cents per page.

This could easily amount to a few billion dollars of extra cost to the state. I am sorry if people cannot speak the language of the land, but we are broke.

It should be up to each and every individual to provide their own interpreters, and or make arrangements for items to be translated as needed, not the already struggling tax payers

You have been cutting for years, and it still is not enough, it is time to stop the extra feel good items and let people be responsible for themselves.

Thank You