Liberal lawmakers coddle illegal aliens

Posted: Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:00 am

Once again our lame-brained liberal lawmakers in Salem are trying to prove there is no limit to their stupidity! They are considering Senate Bill 845, which would reverse the 2008 law requiring driver's license applicants to prove they are legal residents. They say that many immigrant and undocumented works are driving without licenses because of the barrier.

Let me make one thing perfectly clear: There are no undocumented immigrants and undocumented workers! These people are Illegal aliens! They violated federal law when they stepped across the border. They are criminals and should be arrested and deported. Immigrants who enter our country legally learn the language and our customs and are eager to become Americans. Workers get proper documents before entering.

We all need to remind our so called representatives in Salem that the legal and honest residents of Oregon come first! We should also remind them of their oath they took to uphold the law. They are now aiding and abetting criminals.

Also be sure to thank them for the additional 6 cents per gallon of gasoline you are now paying.
