Libidiot, IA hugger, Kennedy/Kerry/Clinton lover Mass-of-ass-chusetts newpaper editorial saying enforcement doesn't work and the IAs are here so they should be given amnesty:

Bullied on immigration
Article Last Updated: 11/25/2007 12:12:59 PM EST
Monday, November 26

While we are disappointed that Hillary Clinton and her leading rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination are showing signs of casting logical, compassionate stands on illegal immigration to the winds, we're not surprised. When it comes to the "get tough" issue of the day, whether it was the Iraq War in 2004 or the immigration debate today, Democratic candidates worried about being called weak will often respond by weakly capitulating to the bullies. They should remember that the loudest voices employ volume to disguise nonsense, and that voters demonstrated in 2006 that they are capable of blocking out the noise.
The candidates have to deal with hysterical bloggers and the high-profile rants of Lou Dobbs and Rush Limbaugh, but out there in America, polls indicate that voters understand the complexities of the illegal immigrant issue that elude the shouters. They know that walls and deportation are no solution. Candidates both Republican and Democrat should recall that illegal immigration was an issue in the 2006 election and several of the leading anti-immigrant demagogues, such as Republican Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, were sent packing by voters.

Fences along the Rio Grande aren't going to keep out illegal immigrants and 12 million illegal immigrants can't be deported, but to even point out these facts raises the ire of the immigrant-bashers, whose argument is built only on hysteria. They would deny schooling to the children of illegal immigrants whose only crime was to be born. Their hate speech threatens to create a backlash against all Hispanics, including legal immigrants and those with deep roots in the U.S.
Still, the presidential candidates, by caving in to the demagogues, are creating a self-fulfilling prophesy by making them more important than they would be if the candidates just ignored them. Even though studies show that giving driving licenses to illegal immigrants cuts down on crime and encourages them to pursue legal status, Hillary Clinton has flip-flopped and now opposes the practice. (Fellow Democratic contender Bill Richardson, who has stood firm against the demagogues, still can't get the time of day from the media.)

The Republican candidates are one-upping each other as to who most detests illegal immigrants. After taking an unfair roasting because New York City was one of several "sanctuary cities" whose leaders didn't cooperate with federal immigration authorities out of the legitimate fear that immigrants wouldn't seek health care or educate their children, Rudy Giuliani has brought out the torches and pitchforks. The New York mayor who once said, as New York Times columnist David Brooks reminded readers last week, that the anti-immigration movement "endangers the single most important reason for American greatness, namely, the renewal, reformation and reawakening that's provided by the continuous flow of immigrants," is now all about walls and punishment.

Enforcement is part of the solution to illegal immigration, but it will fail on its own. In fact, it has for decades. A process must be established to allow illegal immigrants to gain legal status, because there is no deporting all of them. Government should crack down on the businesses that exploit immigrant labor, not break up families by arresting immigrant workers. Most Americans understand the complexity of the issue, and Democratic presidential candidates — the Republicans appear to be beyond hope — should listen to them, not the purveyors of fear and hate. America is better than that.