Lone Protester- Politically Correct America

America and the world is becoming a very scary place to be these days. I came home today and read that stock markets around the world are falling, that the Euro is crashing and that the same Wall Street executives that bankrupted their businesses are still on the job. Only in America. Honor and integrity used to mean something but these days greed outweighs all else. The objective is to testify before Congress and not act like the greedy idiot that you have shown yourself to be to the world. After all, you just have to convince the greedy idiot politicians that are dozing off in front of you, the ones that you gave millions in campaign contribution to.
Because we thought we could trust our politicians we have allowed our country to degenerate into something that I am not proud of anymore. Instead of a bright shining light to the world America has become a place where free speech is silenced and crooks go free either because they are too rich or follow the politically correct line of thought. Our soldiers give their lives to close other countries borders while millions stream across our borders unopposed. Our congressional representatives preside over a hearing with the crooks from Wall Street and pretend they did not have anything to do with it.
Only in an America that I do not know anymore. Only in an America where greed overrides everything else. Only in an America where the people are too scared to fight back. I live in an America where I can’t say what is on my mind because I will be arrested if I do, not because I broke any law but to simply shut me up. This is an America where the special interests rule and the Statue of Liberty gathers dust in New York harbor. This is an America where the common citizen has to take a back seat to illegal alien invaders because political correctness demands that we do. This is an America that is falling apart because we do not know who the enemy is. We are too scared to fight back because we do not want to realize that it is our politicians that are destroying us.
Our politicians are taking our country into the dustbin of history and we are permitting it to happen. We are letting them march us off the cliff in formation without anyone crying out. Where are the Patrick Henrys, the Davy Crocketts, where are the patriotic Americans that will say no more? Instead, in their places, we get Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Jesse Jackson and all the special interest groups screaming more, more, more! Instead of what can I do for my country, it is what can my country do for me?
I write the way I do to stir the patriotism in Americans because I believe that it is a lost art. The history of the original Americans fascinates me because they won against impossible odds, much like we face today. They put their nose to the grindstone and beat the best army in the world because they refused to accept defeat. Can you imagine Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid at Valley Forge? I have, and the flag that flew afterwards was the Union Jack, not the Stars and Stripes.
So instead of an America that leads the world into the future, I am forced to live in a country that permits millions of invaders to do what they may. Because I am too scared to speak out about all the wrongs that I see every day, I must watch my country be destroyed little bit by little bit. My politicians have taken total control of everything and I have no say in the matter because they evidently believe that all power was given to them under the Constitution. My churches have forgotten about Americans and worry more about their contributions and to hell with anybody that claims different. My newspapers present an aura of objectivity in their reporting while they die because no one reads them.
Instead of living in an America that I am proud of, I live in a land where political correctness reigns supreme, a land whose best days are in its past. I live in an America where the patriots only course is to vote for one of two candidates, both of whom declare that amnesty will be one of the first things they will accomplish. I live in an America whose time is almost past, thanks to our politicians.