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  1. #1
    Senior Member tinybobidaho's Avatar
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    Okay, I'm Really Getting Sick Of This!!

    Every day we hear something else that this new administration, and this new Congress want to give to people who shouldn't even be in our country in the first place. And they want to do it right away, before they even think about representing the very people who elected them into office. They want to give illegal aliens amnesty, health insurance or free health care altogether, social security benefits, and our jobs by importing more cheap labor. And they want us to pay for this against our will. However, this new government refuses to give American citizens what they ask for, like border security, immigration enforcement across this country to protect our children, our schools, our jobs, and our futures. They won't even protect us against the rapidly spreading violence and terrorism across this nation caused by illegal alien gangs and drug cartel members. I don't know about you, but I'm highly insulted by this and I think it warrants a roar of our voices like they have never heard before.

    SOSADFORUS is updating our contact list for our House and Senate members. As soon as it gets posted out here on the boards, we need to blast them before they can pass any of this stuff. And let's not forget Obama. He's the one leading this train to hell. I'm going to take this time to compose my letters, and make notes on what I'm going to say in my phone calls. How about you?
    RIP TinybobIdaho -- May God smile upon you in his domain forevermore.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #2
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Easy Tiger,

    ALIPAC has a plan to optimize our timing. We should not be talking about this strategy in the open. Just stay cool and be ready to rumble next week when the time is right for us to move.

    Just a little longer.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
    Senior Member tinybobidaho's Avatar
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    Sorry, just had to vent.
    RIP TinybobIdaho -- May God smile upon you in his domain forevermore.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4
    Senior Member crazybird's Avatar
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    Joliet, Il
    LOL....I agree Tiny.....seems like they can't give this country away fast enough. I'm in awe myself. I do have to laugh though. So much they have gotten away with because we simply didn't know and not enough people had computers and stuff to search for the truth themselves. Makes me ticked to think how long this stuff has been going on and no way to know it.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    The Demo-craps are unleashing a spending frenzy...they never could keep those addictive impulses under control.

    Waxman, Rangel et al -- they all have grand schemes and are licking their chops at the thought of raising our taxes and finally - in their view - making the capitalist system more "fair" by equalizing the wealth..
    I can read writin' and write readin' so the Liberals among us are in BIG trouble...

  6. #6
    Senior Member Dixie's Avatar
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    Texas - Occupied State - The Front Line
    Your children's tax burden is growing at the Democrats pass legislation they can't pay for. Impulsive creatures that refuse to consider the conseques of their actions.

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  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    They want to flood it so they have more and more democrats, a corner on the power base. But that strategy, pandering to 'minority' groups, just caused the housing market to crash. It does not work, you have to have an educated workforce nowadays. Europe has the same issues, the EU wants to let in 50 million mostly uneducated Africans. They seem to want to displace native peoples in Europe, and make them powerless though demographics.

    PBS even did a show Monday on the housing crash and minority loans.

    They want more consumers. But you have to produce, and we have shipped all the jobs overseas.

    I would also like to see some outreach to computer, and people who would be threatened by HB-1B visa scam programs. Get them thier own section on Alipac, they are very educated, very angry!!

  8. #8
    Senior Member BetsyRoss's Avatar
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    Hey, let's not get nostaligic for the Bush years. It cold have been even worse! ... index.html

    Bush has lost more domestic battles than he's won

    By Ed Henry
    CNN Senior White House Correspondent

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- There was a candid moment in President Bush's final news conference that was largely overlooked, but should not be completely ignored because it offers a window on why his domestic legacy is looking pretty thin as he readies a farewell address on Thursday evening.

    President Bush says he should have focused on immigration reform instead of Social Security reform.

    When asked to reflect on his mistakes, Bush made a rare admission. "I believe that running the Social Security idea right after the '04 elections was a mistake," he said. "I should have -- should have argued for immigration reform."

    Let's take the Social Security part first, and deal with immigration in a moment.

    What the president was really saying is that he -- and top aides at the time like Karl Rove -- made a major miscalculation immediately after the 2004 re-election, when Bush famously told reporters that he now had a lot of "political capital" to burn and he planned to spend it on a big idea like Social Security reform.

    Then he spent months and months in vain pushing a massive restructuring of Social Security that further polarized the political parties. Democrats charged that putting some of the retirement funds into private accounts on Wall Street was reckless, while Bush allies insisted the money would be safe. Oops.

    The Bush argument may have seemed like a good idea to some people when the markets were flying high in 2005, long before the current financial crisis. But can you imagine how many more billions and billions of dollars would have been lost if Bush had succeeded?

    The reason why the Social Security fight was so devastating for Bush's legacy is that it sapped plenty of time and energy that he could have used pushing more achievable goals, like perhaps immigration reform. There was a fight that could have used more time and attention from the president to play peacemaker and try to help cool tensions over the divisive issue. Instead, it devolved into finger-pointing and, by Bush's own account, left his party looking ignorant.

    "The problem with the outcome of the initial round of the debate was that some people said, 'Well, Republicans don't like immigrants,' " Bush said at his final news conference. "Now, that may be fair or unfair, but that's the image that came out. My point was that our party has got to be compassionate and broad-minded."

    The other big problem for the president's domestic legacy is that on the issues where he did achieve something, the results have been largely repudiated by his conservative base.

    Start with Bush's signature education reform, No Child Left Behind, which critics believe was an overreach of federal power into what should be decisions made by local school boards. Conservative unrest was so strong that Bush could not get a long-term reauthorization for the law before leaving office.

    Bush also likes to tout the Medicare prescription drug benefit he signed into law, which has helped millions of senior citizens better afford their medication. But here again, some conservatives have been concerned about the expansion of an entitlement program, one of many signs of massive growth of the federal government on Bush's watch.

    Then, of course, there is the economy. In the end, this may be the rockiest part of Bush's domestic legacy, so there's no surprise he was aggressive about telling his side of the story at his final news conference.

    "Look, I inherited a recession, I'm ending on a recession," Bush said. "In the meantime, there were 52 months of uninterrupted job growth. And I defended tax cuts when I campaigned, I helped implement tax cuts when I was president, and I will defend them after my presidency as the right course of action."

    Bush reiterated that he believes "Wall Street got drunk" and the rest of the nation has been stuck with the hangover. But the tough question Bush will face in the years ahead is whether lax regulation of the markets by his administration enabled some of the binge drinking.

    There is also a question of whether the Bush administration later overreacted to the crisis with too many bailouts, another sore subject with conservatives.

    "And I readily concede I chunked aside some of my free-market principles when I was told by chief economic advisers that the situation we were facing could be worse than the Great Depression," said Bush, adding that he's heard some grief about the bailouts from his friends back in Texas.

    "I said, 'Well, if you were sitting there and heard that the depression could be greater than the Great Depression, I hope you would act, too,' which I did," said Bush.

    That is classic Bush, casting himself as the guy with the will to take on lonely fights based on principle, regardless of the political winds. And he has good reason to make that claim, given the fact that he was in fact willing to try to tackle major problems like immigration reform that others shrank from.

    "You know, presidents can try to avoid hard decisions, and therefore avoid controversy," Bush said this week. "That's just not my nature. I'm the kind of person that, you know, is willing to take -- to take on hard -- hard tasks."

    Nevertheless, politics is a results business, and the fact is that Bush lost more of those battles than he won. Not to mention the budget deficit and unemployment numbers are up sharply, while his party's power in the House and Senate is way down.

    There are all kinds of reasons for the missed opportunities, ranging from the fact that the Iraq war sucked up precious resources that could have been spent on domestic priorities to that this president never quite spent enough time developing relationships in Congress that could have helped grease the skids for his domestic agenda.

    Oh yeah, and his second term got off to an awful start thanks to a losing battle over Social Security that he never quite recovered from.
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  9. #9
    wilma1's Avatar
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    We a powerful lobby. Money talks. I say we threaten with lawsuits just as MALDEF,LULAC and La Raza do. Cities are scared to death that the ALCU will file suit if certain laws are enforced. Well how about the Pain and suffering" we're facing! The government isn't following and enforcing their own laws. I mean why don't we file a suit!!! Sorry but I get mad also.

  10. #10
    Senior Member WorriedAmerican's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazybird
    LOL....I agree Tiny.....seems like they can't give this country away fast enough. I'm in awe myself. I do have to laugh though. So much they have gotten away with because we simply didn't know and not enough people had computers and stuff to search for the truth themselves. Makes me ticked to think how long this stuff has been going on and no way to know it.
    I'm days away from turning off the computer and Cable News, and pull down the shades. I feel like I'm trying to save America and I get called names. We Americans are doormats and we have the Government to prove it. There's too much to fix from Bush and too much the Kenyan is ramming down our throats.

    I can't be the only one upset. I dread this Kool-Aid Inauguration. I'm watching movies all day till the charade is over.

    All that money spent on a party that's not gonna end well. That money could have helped out some deserving Programs. The media is on it's backs with it's brains hanging out. Hollyweird is panting and drooling. Muslim countries are licking their lips. Mexicans are selling their kids for beer and cigarettes. We are selling America a piece at a time to Saudia Arabia, Japan, China and probably Russia. We've lost our way, we've were hijacked by Bush and his daddy's cronies. This country is whacked! It's the Elite and all their entitlements now folks. Madoff is alive and everywhere in every business sector.

    Political correctness and our global economy (NAFTA) is killing America.
    We are choking on our own vomit.

    It's a good thing I'm not having a bad day.
    If Palestine puts down their guns, there will be peace.
    If Israel puts down their guns there will be no more Israel.
    Dick Morris

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