NO big deal, you all have.

I told them. I voted twice for President Bush. I have not had a problem with Iraq because I lost someone in the towers on 911 and I believe some of our intelligence and the British intelligence was flawed.

But I do have a problem with the President on this. He says he is for security of the nation. I said, "NO HE IS NOT. He is not protecting the border and he is not championing the American Citizen. I truly regret voting for him because of this issue and I will NEVER vote for another Bush or anyone related the the Bush family. I do not trust them to enforce any law with any new bill because they won't even enforce the one passed two years ago with close to 800 miles of fence. I don't trust you anymore. I'm a life long Republican, but after I have voted for Duncan Hunter or Tom Tancredo in the primaries, I'M GONE. I'M GONE."