Lou Dobbs Tonight
Tuesday June 12, 2007

Tonight, President Bush in an effort to revive the so-called
comprehensive immigration reform bill says the American public
doesn’t get it. Can the president be this far out of touch with
reality? Well have the latest from his meeting with Republican
Senators on Capitol Hill.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon is calling upon the U.S.
Congress for financial and military assistance to help combat
narco-gangs in Mexico. We’ll have a full report on Calderon’s
use of force against drug cartels since taking office.

Just two weeks after weakening workers’ rights to file pay
discrimination claims, the Supreme Court rejected another bid
for fair treatment in the workplace by holding that businesses
are not required to pay the federal minimum wage or overtime to
employees who provide home care services for the elderly. We’ll
bring you that shocking decision in our continuing coverage of
the War on the Middle Class.

The House Science and Technology committee held a hearing today
to examine the impact outsourcing is having on the U.S. economy
and job market. Is Congress still part of the economic
orthodoxy, or have they finalized realized how outsourcing
hurts the American worker?

The U.N. Envoy for Lebanon–Syria is warning the Middle East is
headed for an all out war. He sites four regions where war is
potentially imminent including Iraq, Iran, Syria – Lebanon and
the Palestinian territory. He also sites Gaza and the West
Bank where the age old Israeli - Palestinian conflict is
worsening. Are we headed for war? Find out tonight.

And we'll be joined by three of the nation's best radio talk
show hosts to find out what the American people are fired up
about: Warren Ballentine, XM Radio in Raleigh, North Carolina,
Laura Flanders, Air America in New York and Doug McIntyre, KABC
in Los Angeles.