Luis Gutierrez needs a reality check badly. This is American and it belong to Americans. American needs those jobs taking by illegal aliens who have no right to be here and no right to those jobs. He want the raids against illegal aliens to stop so the can have jobs. Didn’t you mom ever tell you that you never get to old to want? What you want is not necessary what you are going to get. Jobs created by the stimulus package must go to Americans via the E-Verify which will be put in place or someone in leadership will catch hell.

Illegal aliens need to be deported with the anchor babies and press the Mexican government to create jobs for them. There are jobs for them and they are comparable with the cost of living in Mexico.

Our immigration laws need to be enforce and not changed to excuse illegal entry and the illegal taking of jobs from Americans and lowering wages. Every job in this country is needed by skilled and unskilled and our youth.

Mr. Gutierrez, you are out of your cotton picking mind if he think we are going quietly and way out of touch with the American people because we will not be silence about illegal immigration and jobs. We are awake and we have a voice and we will make ourselves heard.

Use ACLU, La Raza and all the protest you want but there will be an end to illegal immigration and it will not come in the form of comprehensive immigration reform.

The American people has had enough our jobs leaving the country for China, India and Mexico and jobs here being taken by illegal aliens who have no legal right to be here and work here.

We are in times very much like the time when "Operation Wetback" was used to deport illegal alien and free jobs for Americans.
It is past time for illegal aliens to go back to their home and enter this country legally no matter how long they have been here breaking the law and how many anchor babies they have for us to take care of
We are now looking out for our selves and our families.