No Form of Amnesty.

A fence and any other way to stop flow. Fences works in San Diego. If our govt doesn’t do it,the minute men will with your donation. Send your donation to minute men.
Fine businesses that hire Illegals or imprison them or put them out of business.
This is amnesty any way you look at it.
$2,000 is a token fine for amnesty
Back ground check. How can they check if they are criminals in Mexico. or if they use false names and documents? It cannot be done effectively.
Learn English. That is what is spoken here in America. I speak it.
Pay back taxes. How if they have no legal record? They should pay taxes.
Work. That is a joke. That is why they are here.
Stand in line for citizenship.(in their own country) I don’t think they care as long as they are allowed to stay and work. This may not be “amnesty” as defined by Webster, but it is still a form of amnesty.
We are rewarding people that break our laws.
If given instant amnesty they will be entitled to all our social services, medicaid, food stamps, low income housing, social security, SSI and will destroy our social services and our system.
Because they are low wages earners they will pay very little in taxes and they will be more of aliability than an asset. It come down to 20 million more poverty level citizens our govt will haveto deal with and our poor will have to compete with.
When Illegals are given citizenship they will expect higher wages. Business will then hire less. Illegals will have to compete with Americans for jobs. Business will hire Americans before immigrants. No jobs and they will be entitles to all social services which is paid for by American tax payers.
The only reason they have jobs now is because business can hire more for less.