May 2: No es Bueno?

Hispanic leaders responsible for planning the so-called 'Great Boycott of 2006' need to take American Politics 101. In English.

To begin with, they scheduled the Boycott for May 1, synonymous in the minds of many Americans with communists and their sympathizers.

Perhaps OK in Mexico, not cool in the US.

Adding to the bedlam, California state Democrats, lead by a Hispanic state senator, passed Resolution SCR 113 titled "The Great American Boycott 2006."

This ingenious bit of senatorial foolishness endorsed the idea of people skipping school and work....... to DEMAND rights for illegal aliens.

These are the same idiots, by the way, who moan and groan because Latinos are unable to gain admission to state colleges because of low achievement scores. The same liberal loonies who scream that admissions tests are unfair, racist, blah, blah, blah.

Hello, California Democrats! If you really give a damn about Latino students and their academic progress, do NOT support skipping school.....especially for a truly dumb cause!

In addition, liberal politicians constantly complain that Hispanics are denied a fair shot at the American Dream because of low-paying, dead end jobs.

Hello, again, California Democrats! If you really care about the standard of living for Latinos, do NOT support skipping work---especially to protest in favor of actions that would add millions of poor to the pool of working people, thereby depressing wages for everyone.

With a touch of chicanery that must have been inspired by a "Dirty Trickster" from the Richard Nixon era, Hispanics then released the 'National Anthem' in Spanish, the Friday before the Great Boycott.

Coupled with the sight of 500,000 illegal aliens waving Mexican flags on April 10, Americans who had previously ignored the heated rhetoric surrounding illegal immigration were suddenly staring to connect the dots:

20 million illegal aliens+Mexican flags+National Anthem in Spanish= NOT COOL!

Still, the more pragmatic and even-tempered among us looked at the 'Great Boycott of 2006' philosophically. One such fellow pretty much summed it up when he said the following about proposed amnesty for the non-American illegal aliens:

'This has GOT to be the LAST 20 million!'