By Tony Dolz
February 19, 2008
In the unlikely event that John McCain gets elected president, he will be the last Republican president.

John McCain will finish the job of keeping the Republican Party divided over spending, the war and open borders/immigration law enforcement that was started by President Bush. Secondarily, McCain will give amnesty to 20+ million illegal aliens that will register Democrat at the end of the McCain-Kennedy earned path to citizenship.

After McCain-Kennedy give suffrage to the illegal aliens the Republican Party as we know it will die.

Welcome to the one party system in America. The McCain-Kennedy Party.

The Republican Party was established in 1854 by anti-slavery activists and reformers who elected Abraham Lincoln as its first president. The early Republicans knew right from wrong and were strongly influenced by their faith in the creator. To this day, Republicans stand for a fundamental believe in the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. Republicans for generations have echoed the sentiments of the founding fathers and the independence minded citizens of the American colonies. Colonists passionately sought individual freedom and to them that meant small limited government, government by the people. Never again would they cow tyrants. Early Americans believed the proposed national government would best be kept in check and stunted from government´s inherent tendency to grow and encroach on individual freedom.

The formula for limited government included limiting its power to tax, by enumerating the powers given to it and reserving all other powers to the states and to the people. The Constitution served to formalize the relationship between the states and the new federal government. To ensure that future generations would not forget, important civil liberties were etched in the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights ensured for all times the rights; not of the states, but of the individual citizens. True patriots and Republicans still share the same core beliefs. Some Republicans like Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter carry a pocket size copy of the U.S. Constitution and their speeches and legislation emerge from thoughts peeled from its pages

In 2001 Senator John McCain of Arizona was riddled with doubt about whether or not he still believed in the Republican Party. It must have been as painful a period for him as it would be for a person of faith to be tormented by doubts about the faith. Directly and indirectly he approached key Democrat party icons, people that he admired, to test the waters. In the Republican Party he enjoyed a commanding respect for his war service and this gave him a high profile and power. Would he command the same leverage if he switched to the Democrat Party, or would he be a subordinate shadow to the likes of Ted Kennedy?

We will never know for sure why McCain remained a Republican. Given his self-assured determination and pugnacious nature it would not be inconceivable that he may have set out instead to change the Republican Party into his own image. Republican or not, Senator McCain has formidably strong ties to Democrat leaders and to influential contributors to Democratic causes.

What is irrefutable is that also in 2001 John McCain developed a soft spot in his heart for a slew of liberal to very liberal super rich donors; and that the crown jewel of those donors was a man with a mission to transform the world, the infamous and super rich George Soros. John McCain established the Reform Institute, based in Alexandria, Virginia, as a vehicle to receive funds from his rich liberal friends and to bring about political reform with a definite tilt to the left. Lo and behold, the Reform Institute was housed at the same location as McCain's re-election committee (Friends of John McCain)," his Straight Talk America PAC, and "his adviser's lobbying firm" Davis, Manafort & Freedman, Inc

You can check the usual suspects and the McCain Soros agenda at their website,

Among the issues supported by the Reform Institute are:

1. Integration of Canada, USA and Mexican economies, including borderless cheap labor movement

2. McCain-Feingold Fundraising Reform with 1stAmendment Muzzle

3. McCain-Lieberman Global Warming Carbon Regulating Bureaucracy and 50 cent per gallon tax

4. McCain-Lieberman Gun Restrictions Endorsed by Michael Barnes, president of Handgun Control

5. McCain-Soros-Bush Open-Borders, Massive Global Trading Blocks vs. National sovereignty

6. McCain-Kennedy Amnesty to 20+ million illegal aliens eager for citizenship and voting Democrat

7. McCain-Teresa Heinz opposition to marriage exclusive to man and woman

8. McCain-Democratic Party opposition to tax-cuts. Quote: Tax-cut for the Rich, McCain

9. McCain-Liberal establishment assortment of positions and contributions from the usual suspects

The Reform Institute has served John McCain as a source of stealth salaries for McCain staffers and supporters some of which then worked pro-bono for his election campaign.

The most repugnant of those stealthily getting a paycheck from George Soros and Teresa Heinz Kerry to service McCain´s agenda is Juan Hernandez, his Hispanic Outreach Director.

Juan Hernandez is an unregistered foreign agent of elitists in Mexico who now is supplementing his day job with serving John McCain and getting a paycheck from George Soros. This is the same George Soros that undermines Republican Party interests from the Soros funded Juan Hernandez served in Mexican President Fox's cabinet and his job was to ensure that Mexican citizens illegally in the United States were helped and protected so that they could send back to Mexico $26 billion in foreign remittances while at the same time alleviate Mexico's problem of dealing with their unemployed and avoid the civil disorders that those millions of unemployed could cause. Although his words and actions parallel those of the Mexican Government, a government that he served as a cabinet member, a search at the Foreign Agents Registration Act website fails to find this name as "registered" ( This must simply be an oversight in his part.

Juan Hernandez has lobbied the House and the Senate on approving the McCain-Kennedy amnesty bills (that is his American play nice side) while at the same time, in his addresses to Mexican nationals legally and illegally in the United States, he tells them that he wants them to think Mexico first to the 7th generation. See these CNN and Fox News video interviews

Juan Hernandez is McCain´s Mexican Outreach Director




It is insane for any country to allow 20+ million illegal aliens into the country where 80% of them are from a country that has taught its children for more than 100 years that it was territorial claims over the Southwest of the United States.

You ask yourself how important is for Mexico to send its illiterate, sickly, unemployed citizens to the Unites States? Wonder no more. Mexico spends over $100 million annually lobbying Congress for open borders, "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" (Amnesty); and in lowering the barrier of a demographic re-conquest of the Southwestern United States lost under the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty of 1848.

The $26 billion that illegal aliens Mexicans send home is more than double the Mexican export sales of oil which is $11 billion (remarkable for a major oil producing country)

Mexican cartels control a $140 billion in drug trafficking at our Southern border. Their sales volume would make them America´s fifth largest corporation. The cartels rely on drug addicted American´s to help them sell drugs to other drug addicts. The Mexican government uses a similar technique. It relies on elitists trans-national cheap labor profiteers like the Tyson Foods and Bill Gates to help sell open borders and massive legal and illegal cheap labor to Congress. The profiteers buy influence for themselves (they are addicted to cheap labor) and in the process Mexico and illegal aliens advance their cause.

Our Congress is also for sale. Our elected representatives are addicted to dredging for campaign money and the Mexican government is more than happy to help. If you are interest in reading more about the Mexican long term lobbying objectives and methods, visit this Mexican government website and read. "Lobbying in the United States: Challenges and Opportunities for Mexico", ... 82,1082,11

Pay close attention to the intertwining interests of foreign government lobbying, fund raising, criminal cartels and businesses all served by open borders and cheap legal and illegal labor. For example, the ethno-centric group Mexican Americans Thinking Together (MATT). MATT was founded by Lionel Sosa, (a media strategist who is credited with delivering nearly half of the Hispanic vote to President Bush in the previous presidential race.

In a press conference held by MATT in Las Vegas in January, it was revealed that a consortium of business interests, which he refused to name, will contribute $100 million to lobby and conduct public relations campaigns. Representatives from the construction, lodging, agricultural and banking sectors, as well as from churches, grass-roots groups and both political parties, gathered to review the ads and finalize their strategy.

Mr. Sosa, 68 years old, in 1980 founded the agency Sosa Bromley Aguilar, which specialized in advertising to Hispanic consumers, selling it in 1990. — based in Mr. Sosa´s hometown of San Antonio — employs three advertising strategists who worked with him at the agency. Among them is Cesar Martinez, who in 2002 created ad campaigns targeting Hispanics for Jeb Bush´s Florida gubernatorial campaign and Rick Perry´s Texas governor´s race.

Momentum is gaining. Millions of Mexican illegal aliens have demonstrated in the streets of American many of them carrying signs reminding us that they are not trespassing, that they are not here illegally, that they are simply home.

It is not unrealistic to think that one day when the number of foreign nationals with a territorial claim over the United States reaches a critical mass, that our children and their grandchildren may be scourged by a civil war that we could have prevented. If you think this is not realistic, think about Lebanon, Kosovo and some many other countries and territories were territorial claims exists.

President Bush´s open borders policies are opposed by an overwhelming number of Americans. In 2006 millions of Americans joined organizations that oppose open borders and through peaceful campaigns defeated every McCain-Kennedy-Bush amnesty bill that came up the House and Senate.

George Bush´s stubborn dismissal for calls for secure borders, enforcement of immigration laws, overspending and the war sank his public support to abysmally low levels. McCain is committed to a continuation of Bush policies. When asked on the campaign trail if he would vote for his McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill if it were to come up today, his answer is YES.

There is no mystery why John McCain is the presumptive presidential candidate. Unfortunately, the rank and file Republicans are voting by NOT contributing to the Republican National Committee and NOT contributing to the State Party Organizations. The RNC telemarketers were fired because contributions could not justify their salaries. One hears similar reports from many states and counties. Millions did NOT vote for McCain or any the other major presidential candidates anointed by the Party. On Super Tuesday 14.6 million Democrats turned out to vote and only 8.3 million Republicans bothered.

The McCain victories are vacuous because millions of disaffected Republican refused to participate because of open borders amnesty candidates in both parties. Congress´s approval rating is as low as 11% and the president´s is equally low. McCain is a continuation of George Bush policies. Many Republicans are saying let´s open up the convention for a true airing of the issues or I am out of here!

McCain was the co-author of the two McCain-Kennedy amnesty bills. The second time around he knowingly conspired with Bush and key Democrats and open borders, cheap labor lobbyists in secret until less than 24 hours before springing the bill on the Senate floor. He conspired with 13 Senators, called the gang of 14, who took a vow of secrecy not to discuss the secret negotiations with the media.

The Gang of 14, lead by McCain, did as pledged and held the line and voted against every and any amendment that would stop the amnesty bill. It was a disgraceful spectacle to watch on CSPAN. An enraged public collapsed the telephone system on the hill with calls filled with anguish and revulsion. You promised yourself that you would make John McCain pay for his behavior. Your time has come.

If you want to partake in an open debate GOP convention in September of 2008 visit this website,

If McCain is nominated, many Republicans will vote for their favorite candidates and issues and leave the presidential slot blank. In the unlikely event that McCain gets the presidency, McCain will keep the party divided for 4 to 8 years as George Bush has done. If the Democrat´s favorite Republican presidential candidate gets elected and he passes the McCain-Kennedy amnesty, 20+ million illegal aliens will get a path to citizenship and to registering Democrat ensuring the end of the Republican Party as we know it. Liberal Republicans will be annexed to the Democrat Party and they will be happy in their new home.

John McCain will be known as the last Republican President and the father of the one party system in America.
