Meet Bush's World Bank Nominee -

PNAC Member, Bilderberg Attendee, CFR Member, Trilateral Commission Member, NAFTA Architect and Enron Advisor
Robert Zoellick is a Globalist all rounder

Steve Watson
Thursday, May 31, 2007

President Bush's reaction to the loss of close ally, ultra globalist and PNAC war hawk Paul Wolfowitz as President of the World Bank has been to nominate one of his best friends, closest allies and ultra globalist PNAC war hawks, Robert Zoellick for the position.

Zoellick is the Crème de la Crème of Washington's elite. His wikipedia entry reveals him to be a globalist all rounder who has worked his way into the upper echelons of every shadowy body and organisation of thinkers and power-brokers you can think of.

Like Wolfowitz, Zoellick is a member of the hawkish neo-conservative think tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC) who pushed hard to invoke the notion that evil foreign enemies who hated America should be preemptively dealt with.

Zoellick and PNAC famously wrote a letter to former President Clinton asking him to go to war with Iraq in 1998, and later in 2000 predicted a "catastrophic and catalyzing New Pearl Harbor like event" would help shape U.S. military interventionism in the middle east and allow for global domination for the next century.