I can't get an answer to the question of the limitations put on foreign diplomatic missions about what they can and cannot do in the US: there are 48 Mexican Consulates, triple the usual number for any country, obviously in the business of helping their compatriots breaking US laws... but they also agitate at local and state forums and even testify in state legislatures and lobby against law bills that Mexico does not like (Indiana is a case I know about.... where the Consul constantly parades around the state with state-appointed and state-paid employes, mostly with Hispanic names, talking trash against any anti-benefits regulations...

The "Latino Affairs Office" of the Governor of Indiana, along with the ICHLA (Indiana Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs) is hobnobbing with the Mexican Consul to various local forums presumably to discuss these issues with Americans.....

Even FAIR will not answer this question for me: what limitations are put on foreign consulates in lobbying elected offcials?
All these "Latinoxxxx" offices are pure "porc" for the illegal community... at OUR expense!