Wouldn't it be great if everyone emailed Lizzy Dole with a huge---NO MONEY for TREASON. You gotta be joking lady! Suck wind. The Republicans get NADA DINERO from this American.

Better yet! Spring for the stamp and MASS MAIL the message with those mexican bills.......lots of mexican bills

Greetings to the GOPUSA Family of Activists!

Campaign season is already gearing up.

Please see the message below from Senator Elizabeth Dole and learn more about the Democrats Impeach PAC.

Keep up the fight,

Bobby Eberle

Robert R. Eberle, Ph.D.
President and CEO, GOPUSA

By now, you have probably heard that the Democrats have assembled a powerful impeachment coalition of over 100 liberal organizations.

But what you may not have heard is that they have also formed an entire PAC - Impeach PAC - whose sole mission is to back Democrat candidates who support the immediate impeachment of our President!

What does that mean for stalwart Republicans like you and me?


In addition to the 100+ organizations who have formed a coalition to impeach President Bush, there is also an entire PAC - Impeach PAC - dedicated to promoting the Democrats' ruthless course of action against our President as well!

Please donate to the NRSC's campaign to preserve our Republican Senate Majority and elect Republican candidates who will help defend President Bush from vengeful Democrats and keep America moving forward on a path of lower taxes, smaller government and strong national defense.

It means that we must be doubly prepared to help our Republican Senate candidates fight back against the most organized and well-funded Democrat onslaught ever.

And, it means that I'm counting on you more than ever to make an emergency online contribution to the NRSC to help us save our increasingly vulnerable Republican Senate Majority!

Click Here to Donate to the NRSC.

My friend, it's clear that Democrats are growing progressively more desperate to capture the U.S. Senate and carry out their vengeful and destructive course of action against President Bush.

Just imagine, with liberal extremists like Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy and Russ Feingold controlling the Senate agenda, everything we have fought so hard to achieve will be effectively destroyed in a very short period of time...

Pro-growth, pro-family tax cuts will be replaced with economy-wrecking, job-killing tax hikes;
Superior, accessible health care will be replaced with shoddy government-run health care;
All Republican efforts to win the war on terror will be replaced with the Democrats' defeatism and reckless cut-and-run polices and
Well-qualified conservative judges will be rejected in favor of liberal activist judges who legislate from the bench.
We can't let this happen.

We've got to be ready to help our Republican candidates fight back against an exceptionally well-financed and well-prepared Democrat machine.

That's why I'm urging you to support the NRSC's campaign to elect and re-elect Republicans who will protect our Senate Majority and stand up against Democrats and their devastating course of action against President Bush.

Please make the most generous contribution you can spare to the NRSC to ensure we have the maximum funds available to defend every one of our 33 Senate candidates this November.

Click here to donate.

Your financial support of $500, $250, $100, $75 or $50 will enable the NRSC to give our Republican Senate candidates the direct financial support and essential campaign services that they are depending on to win. Your support today will also help them counter the increasingly negative attacks of the Democrats and their growing band of liberal Special Interest allies.

With a goal to raise $75,000 by the end of this month, I need all of our online friends' immediate help. So please, whatever you do, do not delay your support for the NRSC another minute!

We need to build our war chest NOW before it's too late. Otherwise, we will not be prepared to stop the liberal Democrats from gaining control of the Senate, ending the Bush Presidency and wiping out the entire Bush agenda!

I have faith that you, a friend of the NRSC and a committed Republican, will help make certain the NRSC remains in the best possible financial shape possible now and throughout the course of the entire 2006 election campaign.

Please click here right now to donate $500, $250, $100, $75 or $50 to the NRSC.

Thank you in advance for helping the NRSC defend GOP candidates who will protect our critical Senate Majority, stand up for our President and continue moving American forward on a course of responsible conservatism.


Elizabeth Dole
NRSC Chair