New Fax's at NumbersUSA

Blast President Obama for Promising to Pursue 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform'

President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Obama:

How can you say that you will push for comprehensive immigration reform? We both know that this means amnesty!

There are more than 12 million unemployed Americans. This means that more than 8% of Americans who want a job are unable to find one. I would like to think this statistic breaks your heart, but your continued support for comprehensive amnesty suggests otherwise.

How do you intend on bringing "hope" to the American people if you give our jobs away to illegal aliens? There are currently 7.7 million illegal aliens with jobs. Do you think this is fair? Do you even care about the American families that cannot afford to put food on the table or send their children to college?

I urge you to oppose amnesty of any form (comprehensive or otherwise). Amnesty will harm those you profess a desire to help and only help those who have broken the law. This is not the "hope" I was expecting!

Unable to comprehend your actions,


P.S. Un-employed Americans by the Millions... did your liberal "P" size brain not comprehend what I just said "Millions" this is what you are about. There is no other way to call it what it is "TREASON" against the American people. We will not tolerate Grossly Incompetant Politicans that not only Rob the Treasury and Give to other countrys but to Illegal Aliens as well. Work on your resume!!!