Well this was an interesting thing that I saw.

While out and about, driving to the Oregon Coast this Sunday around noon. We made a stop for the kids to see a tourist attraction/restaurant called "Camp 18". This place is a huge log cabin and is basically supposed to be like and old logging camp, with all sorts of old rusting equipment, huge old growth logs long ago cut, etc....

As we walked towards the main area we walked between all the cars (it was crowded). There in front of me was a 2005 (?) Cadillac, champagne colored with matching leather interior, there were clothes hanging in the back seat, suit, pants, silk shirts, ties, etc...

Then I looked at the license plate, really it's strange configuration of letters told me it was not a basic plate. It said "Consular Fleet", then there were some other letters and mubers which I am sorry I did not have the presence of mind to get a picture of with my cell camera.

I had the notion it was the Mexican Consualate "General's" vehicle, but on a Sunday?

Then on the big porch of the restaurant, my daughter and I were walking out of the gift shop, and there he stood dressed casual, but nice and well dressed, along with a lady (wife), she too dressed nicely. They spoke to each other in Spanish while waitng for their table outside.

For a while I put the thought on the "back burner" and later the ball began rolling.

Here is this obviously well paid Mexican government official, living well in our country, most likely making more than many Americans can now, while his own illegal citizens take American jobs and drive wages down.

Here he is eating out after an obvious night at the beach driving his Mexican government Cadillac, most likely ate out all weekend, while we, American citizens struggled to have basic sandwiches out of our ice chest from the trunk of the car.

Here is the man who called Oregonians for Immigration Reform racists, and have encouraged his own citizens to live here illegally, against our laws.

I wondered if Mexico is so poor, then how is it our own government vehicles are almost always economy cars, and never to be driven unless it was for government business, how is it they can afford to not only pay this man his apparently decent salary and purchase this car for him, but think, he is one of how many of these folks who are employees of the government of Mexico, paid similar, similar vehicles!

Does this bother only me? Am I being too sensitive?